There are few things in life that exercise can’t help promote. From weight loss, to more energy, to how well you sleep each night, regular movement helps get your body in shape. On the inside and the out. According to a new study, however, this proven theory is taken one step further. By looking at how kids move vs. their older counterparts, researchers have found that regular exercise among children will lead to stronger bones in adults.
It even shows that adults who exercise can increase their bones’ current health. Whether starting young or old, exercise is a simple (and healthy) way to better add mass and strength to your bones.
Why Bones Can Strengthen Over Time
Like any body part, the more you use it, the more defined and developed it will become. Just as muscles grow from lifting weights, bones will harden from impact from walking, running, and more. The more often you work these body parts, the more they’re able to grow into stronger versions of themselves.
This can also be attributed to blood flow. As one gets the heart pumping, blood moves more quickly through the veins. With this increase in pace, more nutrients can reach extremities in a shorter amount of time, increasing their ability to absorb much-needed vitamins.
Kids and Bone Health
As for the importance of exercise in kids, the results speak for themselves. Because so much groundwork is set during one’s younger years, the stronger and more efficiently their bones can grow, the more likely they’ll last. Think of a building’s foundation – a cement wall is going to last longer than one made of brick or plywood, while cracks and shifts can weaken even the thickest of walls. But by making sure the walls are as sturdy as possible from the get-go, however, damage can be kept at bay. [Philly]
No matter your age, regular exercise can do wonders for your bone health. Remember to get moving to help keep bones strong.