Thursday, December 10, 2015

What's the Ideal Sleeping Temperature?

You might have heard that it's better to sleep in a chilly room. You might even agree from personal experience. But did you know there is actually science behind this old wives' tale? And as to just how cool that room should be? The stats have been taken, the studies done, and the results are in – letting us know the absolute ideal sleeping temp each and every night. And the answer is … whatever is most comfortable, generally between 65 and 72 degrees. Much warmer or cooler and the body is more likely to wake frequently.

Due to different body types, sizes, and preferences, folks were shown to sleep deeper at different degrees. With their bodies also running at varied "norms." However, one thing remained in common: those who slept in a cooler room at night vs. what was comfortable during the day gained better rest. When your body sleeps, your core temperature actually goes down – because you're resting and working to save energy. It's a move that our body takes care of on its own. Achieving this lower temp is much easier when your house itself is chillier at night … vs. forcing the body to cool itself against your bedroom environment. 

These nighttime temps can be found by manually or auto setting a thermostat. Keep a small heater in your living space to add warmth while you're awake, or light a fire. It will raise the thermostat while you're up and aware of your degrees. Then once bedtime hits, the fire will have died down and the house will cool itself off overnight. Allowing you to rest even more soundly throughout the night. 

Look to these simple thermostat adjustments, and keep track of what range is most comfortable for you and your family, and earn access to a scientifically proven way to sleep better. 

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