Tuesday, December 8, 2015

How Do CPAP Pillows Help CPAP Therapy?

Sleep apnea is a condition that affects the ability to get a good night sleep. By interrupting your body's airflow and steady breathing, it wakes you throughout the night. Keeping you from obtaining long bouts of rest, or gaining some of the deepest REM levels. Over time this can add up to some serious sleep deprivation. One of the best ways to gain sleep apnea relief, however, is through CPAP treatments, which stands for continuous positive airway pressure. By essentially forcing air through the nasal passages, patients can rest easy, without their body obstructing their own nightly airflow.

But did you know it can get even better than that? Accessories have been specifically designed to help make CPAP therapy more effective. For instance, lotions that help keep your nose moist, wipes that allow you to clean your mask with ease. And what has been voted the unofficial crowd favorite, the CPAP pillow. It works by hosting specialty cutouts that fit your CPAP mask. That way you can turn and roll throughout the night, but without fear of smashing your mask up against your pillow. No matter how well your machine is helping you sleep, plastic forced into your skin is sure to cause an unwelcome wake up call. 

The pillows also host cord cutouts on either side, allowing you to turn from left to right with ease. No crushing your own air tube, and the flexibility to sleep on whichever side is most comfortable. Even if that means switching throughout the night. 

Being more comfortable means better sleep, as well as a more efficient nighttime routine. Putting on a breathing mask for bed has never been so easy. If you're already using a CPAP machine or are in talks with your doctor about adding one to your nighttime routine, consider the help of a CPAP pillow for an additional layer of comfort, and easy equipment use.  

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