Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Why Texting is a Literal Pain in the Neck

It’s no secret that the population has taken strongly to their cell phones. From smartphones to flip models that only call and send texts, these devices are used numerous times per day. Even more so for versions loaded down with apps, cameras, and the ability to perform almost any task. Calculators, weather updates, TV shows, and portable electronic radios can all be found on the modern smartphone.

But when checking our phones countless times throughout the day, that pattern is bound to come with some sort of side effect. Like neck pains. With all that leaning, squinting, and bending to see who sent what message, the neck is the body part that suffers the most.

Experts say that due to the weight of our heads – an adult is toting around 10 to 12 pounds up there – and the lack of natural support when texting, it’s common to develop literal pains in the neck. The more frequent the texting, the harsher the pains. However, it’s not the phones’ fault, it’s the way we look at them. When hunching down or leaning over to read a screen, the neck loses its natural curve. A posture that keeps neck bones and muscles right where they need to be.

How To Take Better Care of your Neck

The next time you get a text, don’t bring your eye line to your phone, bring your phone to your eye line. This might not feel as comfortable (at first), but it will keep your neck where it needs to be and create a healthier long-term habit.

Another option is to hold off on texting. Unless it’s a necessity, look to other forms of communication, such as talking on the phone or meeting in person. While not as quick, it’s a simple way to reduce texting and looking upright instead.

If you’re a regular sufferer of pains in the neck, consider your texting habits – and adjust them to better reflect proper health.

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