Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What Does Tiger Woods’ Back Pain Mean for the Golf Season?

This past weekend, Tiger Woods withdrew from a golf competition with severe lower back pains. A symptom that’s nothing new for the returning favorite. He’s repeatedly been struck down by spasms, even falling to his knees during practices and photo shoots. But now that he’s officially withdrew from the Honda Classic, how will the rest of his season fare? And more specifically, can he continue to compete (let alone practice) on a bum back?

The experts say it depends. And on several factors, including his treatment regimen, whether or not he can keep the pain under control, and how often or how severe his flare ups continue to take place. It’s also likely he’ll keep mum about his progress so as to keep his competition in the dark as long as possible. After all, he was able to rally in the past, finishing tournaments last minute while still in pain.

The Cause Behind His Back Pain

While scorned women everywhere are citing karma, others say the pains are a nature of his job. In good company with Phil Mickelson, the duo continues to suffer from back pains on and off of the golf course. Arguably the two most talented golfers of the season, both await a good bill of health before moving forward with 2014 competitions.

So what is it about golf that lends itself to such bouts of pain? Because both are life-long players, it could be the constant twisting motions leading to their aches. Add in the intense ricochet of hitting the ball (which rises up and through the body), and this is motion can send shooting pain throughout the bones. While it’s unclear that their golfing lifestyle caused the pains in the first place (though a distinct possibility), golfing with such injuries would certainly worsen already existing conditions. [Bleacher Report]

Only continuing the season will show what’s in store for Woods – and Mickelson – but for the rest of the golfers out there, remember to keep your back in mind during each swing. It’s an act that will allow you to stay healthy for all of your seasons to come.

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