Thursday, November 19, 2015

How to Avoid Fall's Biggest Allergy Triggers

Unless you suffer from fall allergies, it can be hard to remember there's an entire cold weather season that makes you sneeze. In the spring, it's expected, but somehow fall allergies tend to fall off our radar. That is, unless you suffer from them, in which case you're trying everything in your power to do away with the once and for all.

Within your epic quest to remove such allergens, remember these triggers, what might cause symptoms, and how you can best avoid each of these hay-fever nightmares.

Warm Fall Weather

It might sound like a blessing, especially for those who hate the cold. But warm weather that continues into the fall can actually create allergy havoc. Humidity and warm temps bring allergens out of their hiding places, and into your breathing air at a much higher rate.  


When paired with warm temperatures, wind can be the allergy sufferer's biggest enemy. Though you can't exactly avoid the wind, when it's in the forecast, be sure and keep your windows closed, turn on air purifiers, and change out filters (including heater filters) to eliminate as many allergens as possible.


Rake them! Sure you "don’t want to have to do it twice," and are waiting for all of the leaves to fall, but letting them sit can mean more allergies that you and your family is breathing in every day. Pay a pro to get rid of them, or use a mulching lawn mower that collects leaves in a bag for ample cleanup abilities. 


A good hard freeze is one of the best cures for fall allergies. Until that day, however, keep in mind that there will be far more pollen, dander, and ragweed within your home. (Among other triggers.) This information can help dictate how often you vacuum or wash your sheets in order to remove the cause of hay fever as thoroughly as possible. 

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