Tuesday, November 10, 2015

5 Reasons Online Shopping is Better for Your Physical Health

When compared against holiday shopping, the existence of the Internet is one that's fairly new. In only the past few years have we been able to browse and shop online, then have all our of items delivered conveniently to our front door. It's also a process we're embracing whole-heartedly. Not only is online shopping convenient (who doesn't want to window shop in their PJs?), it's often cheaper. Coming with free shipping and allowing us to have as low of prices possible. 

Other perks include your physical and mental health. Without the need to push your way through a crowd, many health risks are greatly diminished. Including:

5. The Risk For Cold

There's no denying that it's cold season, but eliminating the amount of interaction you have with crowds can lower your chance at getting sick. By coming in contact with fewer public surfaces (and fewer crowds), you can help keep yourself well by avoiding germs.

4. Tall Shelves and Heavy Boxes

It's not a combination we like, but it's often one that exists. And even though it's better to ask for help, when there's a great sale, there isn't always time. However, by sticking to your couch instead of attempting to lift these boxes, you can save yourself a whole lot of back pain.

3.  Anxiety

Crowds can be seriously stressful, especially when you have a specific goal. Why put yourself through all that stress when you can shop at home in an environment that's as relaxed as you make it?

2. Pushing a Cart

Let's face it, how often do you get lucky with a "good" cart? Instead, you're usually forced to push a squeaking, hard-to-steer carriage throughout the store. Besides, even the best of carts can't always hold up with heavy weight. Save yourself the backache and shop from home instead.

1. Keeping Strange Hours

Some of the best sales are held in the most inconvenient hours. Rather than getting up in the middle of the night to deal with all of the above, consider sleeping on your normal schedule, all while still cashing in on holiday deals. 

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