Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tips for Enjoying a Safe Fourth of July

This holiday is a time to celebrate America's freedom in all its glory. Which generally means a colorful and bright display. Perhaps a barbecue or swimming in the nearest body of water. In the presence of high heat and fireworks, however, there's bound to be an accident or two. Rather than falling victim on such a beloved holiday, remember a few simple safety precautions that can help save the day.

Aside from the obvious, like not getting too close to fireworks and ensuring all fire-lighting is far enough away from buildings and crowds, there are additional safety tips that can be taken. And by planning for your specific needs, you can ensure a much more enjoyable holiday.

For instance: staying hydrated. For Fourth is generally one of the hottest holidays of the year, don't let your day end badly because you didn't pack an extra water bottle. If you are prone to heat reactions, stay near an AC or bring a fan. (And bring plenty of sunscreen!) Wading in a pool every so often can also help cool you down.

Or if you suffer from lower back pain, bring along a quality lawn chair, and be sure to stand only as your back allows. Then again, if plenty of standing is required, wear supportive shoes that can help ease your pains. 

You should also remember that a "traditional" Fourth celebration isn't required. If you'd rather enjoy some indoor time, head to the movies, or order Chinese food with your neighbor, so be it. You'll likely even get a free fireworks show with minimal traveling. 

Because it's a holiday that's all about celebrating freedom, what better day to do as you please? So long as you're safe about it and respectful of your body's needs, you can be on your way to celebrating America's birthday the best way you know how. 

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