Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Can Yoga Eliminate the Need for Back Surgery?

One woman, in her fight against back pain, has found a natural cure. Not through diet, not though an old wives tale, but though yoga. Though she likely keeps a healthy diet and works toward other natural cures – staples in the yoga culture – Rachel Brathen, 26, says the exercise is her primary source of back wellness. And it’s been working since she was a teenager. 

Born with scoliosis, Brathen also encountered two injuries as a child – a car wreck and a white water rafting accident. Both of which worsened the condition of her spine. Doctors recommended surgery to reduce her pain and help realign the spine. However, Brathen’s aunt had undergone a similar surgery (both she and Brathen’s mother also had scoliosis), and though it relieved her pain, most of her spine movement was eliminated in the process. 

When contemplating this decision, she was told about the use of yoga for back pain, and decided to try it before going under the knife. Years later and an instructor’s certification, she’s never looked back. Brathen’s back pain is cured, and she’s more flexible than ever. 

Will Yoga Cure your Back Pain?

Perhaps. Though significant or detailed research has yet to be done, Brathen isn’t the only one with a yoga success story. She, and countless others, first started with simple and strengthening classes in order to gain the best results. A step that allowed her to repair the back and increase flexibility on a small (but very effective) scale. Additionally, as Brathen mentioned, because it was a non-invasive treatment, she had nothing to lose.

Then, once her back began to make progress, she was able to take on more complicated classes. Now she’s able to perform complicated balances and moves. 

Talk to your doctor to see if you’re healthy enough for yoga and see what it can do for your back pain. Or, to read more about Brathen’s story, check out the full story.  

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