Thursday, December 4, 2014

What Causes Muscle Spasms?

The sudden onset of a sore muscle is no welcome event. It almost always comes as a surprise (those who have dealt with a recurring injury or regularly have spasms are more likely to recognize the initial symptoms), and comes with pain and reduced amount of functions. Especially when performing a necessary task, or the aches last a significant amount of time. 

But what causes these issues? By better understanding what steps cause these muscle spasms, we can work to completely avoid them in the first place.

Muscle spasms can be triggered by a number of different factors. Not drinking enough water or eating enough protein (or another type of substance) might be to blame – forcing the body to warn you of its increasing needs. Other causes might be lifting too much weight or overworking a certain part of the body. Injuries might flare up with minimal events; moving just slightly “wrong” might evoke pains with only the tiniest adjustment. Other triggers still include calcium deficiencies, poor circulation, working out in the heat (and then not allotting enough time to cool down or rest), or failing to properly stretch before or after a workout. 

Any one or more of these might be to blame for your muscle spasms – whether they take place few and far between, or act as an almost weekly occurrence. In order to avoid these painful surprise altogether, look to simple at-home cures, such as stretching or drinking more water. Each offers an effective, cost-friendly cure. You can also talk to your doctor to find a specific cause to your spasms, as well as what methods (even natural ones) will best help you nix them once and for all. 

With only a little research and at-home remedies, you can be on your way to a successful, pain-free spasm treatment. 

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