Friday, November 21, 2014

Medical Side Effects from Too Much Thanksgiving

If you eat too many beets, you’ll turn purple. Carrots can improve your eyesight. Bread crusts can make your hair curly. We’ve all heard these food myths and plenty more – old wives tales have a tendency to stick around, and parents are willing to say almost anything to get their kids to clean their plates. But which food-based rumors are actually true? Do any of these “tales” have any truth behind them?

Perhaps not. Though vegetables with pigment have been shown to tint the color of one’s skin, improved eyesight and curled hair have seen little scientific facts as to how they can be changed. (That is, without the help of a doctor or salon.) Other side effects, however, have been seen in full force, especially after big meals such as holiday dinners. Including the biggest holiday dinner of them all, Thanksgiving. 

When eating too much, indigestion and other digestive pains are more likely to take place. Especially with heavy foods, such as mashed potatoes, yams, stuffing, and breads. Consuming these same heavy meals late in the day has also been shown to increase existing conditions, such as acid reflux and sleep apnea. However, those who aren’t regular sufferers are also more susceptible when over eating, or eating foods close to bedtime. 

Also on the list of meal-induced conditions: cramps, headaches, stomachaches, irregular bowel movements, and difficulty sleeping. Or, afternoon fatigue, especially for the turkey lovers. Far less glamorous than the side effects our parents used to get us to eat. 

To avoid these possibly painful side effects, consider curbing your Thanksgiving appetite. It’s any easy, effective way to avoid all of the above, including whichever aliment affects you the worst. 

You can even check out this blog for tips on how to do so!

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