Tuesday, October 7, 2014

5 Habits That Will Increase Acid Reflux Symptoms

Acid reflux is an issue that affects thousands of Americans. Whether conditional or an ongoing medical concern, patients are dealing with this uncomfortable scenario most nights of the week. However, there are also certain behaviors that work to increase (or decrease) acid reflux’s symptoms. To make the most out of your acid reflux treatment, remember to avoid the following.

5. Alcohol Before Bed

Drinking too much before bed, or too close before bedtime, can greatly increase the effects of acid reflux. Because alcohol relaxes our muscles, drinking can create a scenario where one’s throat is far more susceptible to acid or other stomach side effects. Instead, try and curb your drinking habits, or consider drinking earlier in the night to avoid this painful outcome.

4. Spicy Foods

The spicier the meal, the greater risk one has at gaining acid reflux. Even when eating less or earlier in the evening. To avoid stomach and chest pain altogether, consider an antacid or opting for a milder meal. 

3. Flat Pillows

Because acid reflux essentially takes place with a lack of incline, sleeping on flat pillows can greatly increase its abilities. Sleep on a wedge or with additional pillows to keep acid at bay, or rather, where it belongs, deep within the stomach.

2. Overeating

Feeling full is generally uncomfortable. But when eating far too much (and too close to bedtime), that “too-full” feeling becomes even worse. Allow your food to settle \for better digestion and fewer nighttime pains. 

1. Ignoring the Signs

Generally, long-time acid reflux patients know when a severe bout of pain is about to arise. When these early warning signs take place, take medicine, drink a glass of milk, or just lay off the booze. Ignoring these signs will only work for a more painful bout of acid reflux later on. While, instead, precautionary measures can help reduce the condition for the long haul. 

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