Monday, June 16, 2014

How to Achieve Proper Reading Posture

When it’s time to sit down with a good book, we rarely stop to think about something as trivial as how we’re sitting. So long as it’s a comfortable spot and the words are flowing off the page as quickly as we can get to them, there’s really not much else to consider. Right? But when we’re so involved in a book that we crane and stretch to find the next page, there can actually be some serious side effects that take place. 

Most notably, these changes come in the form of headaches, neck aches, and sore muscles. Even just a plain ‘ol crick in the neck from hunching in the wrong direction for too long a time. Whatever the secondary cause from reading “incorrectly,” it can easily be reversed with a simple posture upgrade.

Whether you read on the couch, in a recliner, or in bed, find a cozy spot that’s most comfortable for checking in with your favorite characters. Next, consider what type of support – if any – is being offered. If in bed, regular pillows might not offer enough leverage, while a wedged or gradual incline pillow will prop your head without making you strain or reach to see each page. If in a recliner, opt for a pillow under your arms so the head can sit back and relax. While a couch might be most helpful with all of the above. 

Outside features, such as room temperature and light should also be considered. Trying to keep cool (or warm) can cause you to move into awkward positions, while a room that is too dark means squinting and pulling one’s face ever-closer to the text, even when it’s within close distance.

Book lovers everywhere can agree that reading before bed – or really anytime – is a favorite past time. To make the best out of this already enjoyable experience, remember to adjust posture for a better, more body friendly posture

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