Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What Happens When you Can’t Control Your Sweet Tooth?

In just a few days, the Easter Bunny will leave all kinds of sugary goodness in his path. From plastic eggs filled with treats, to faux animals made of pure chocolate, it’s every kid’s dream to wake up to this sugar-infested hunt. And they’re not the only ones getting in on the fun, adults can clean up the jellybean messes with the most candy-loving of them all. But just because these candies taste good doesn’t mean you should overdo it.

Aside from the obvious side effects, such as teeth health and weight gain, there are a few other symptoms that come from too much sugar. Ones that affect everyday health. To keep your body at its best, even when there are tasty distractions, consider all these sugar-induced ailments.

Poor Digestion

When eating too much candy, the body has a much harder time breaking foods down and into viable nutrients (if they exist). Unless you want to risk an evening of stomach cramps and substances that are virtually impossible to digest, stick to a diet of real food and leave the candy for the kids.

Bone Density Issues

When there’s nothing but artificial sugars pumping through your body for hours on end, how are the bones to replenish themselves? If you must eat candy, remember to take a daily vitamin or bookend the sweets with healthy meals (preferably those rich in calcium) to keep the body in proper working order, even when your food choices aren’t the healthiest.

Risk for Illness and/or Disease

Those who eat ample amounts of sugar are more likely to fall susceptible to an illness or disease, such as diabetes or other chronic diagnoses. (Most notably from high blood sugar levels.) Regular bouts of sugar can bring havoc to the immune system, leaving it unable to fight off germs and in a further weakened state.

Easter can be a tempting time for anyone with a sweet tooth, just remember to keep the sweets in moderation to avoid serious side effects. 

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