Thursday, April 10, 2014

Have Trouble Slouching? This Piece of Jewelry Could Solve Your Problems

We know slouching is bad. Our mothers, grandmothers, and teachers have been telling us this since we were old enough to sit. But just because we know we shouldn’t do something doesn’t mean it’s easy to not do it. Like slouching. No matter how many times we’ve heard “don’t slouch,” it doesn’t make sitting up straight any more comfortable. Especially when slouching in that office chair is so easy – during the afternoon post-napping period and beyond. 

But thanks to a new invention, disguised as jewelry, it’s a step you no longer have to take on your own. Known as the Lumo Lift, this small electronic device buzzes every time your spine begins to curve. Or whenever you want it to. Set the device to offer reminders or just keep track on your sitting behaviors. It works by wearing the device near their collarbone, which then measures the curvature of the back throughout the day. The device even connects to your smartphone, allowing you to track your posture progress over time. 

Lumo Lift creators also boast instant posture benefits, such as appearing more welcoming to others and receiving an adrenaline rush each time you straighten your back.

The Lumo Lift and Everyday Style

For those worried about personal style, the device has you covered. Users can choose from white, black, or silver, while fashionable “clips” in a rainbow of colors and fancier, bejeweled models, which help jazz up the device for special occasions. (Or just dressier officewear.) These clips contain magnets attaching the Lift, so they can blend in with any shirt color.

Though it has yet to hit the market, these small devices can be pre-ordered (models are $79 and $94, with the latter offering colored clips). Pick one up for yourself or the entire office to gain a discount while promoting good posture office-wide. 

To learn more about this interesting twist on bodily science-meets-technology, head to their website at

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