Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why Nervous System Health Trumps All

When it comes to health concerns, there is a practically unending list of things that can go wrong … and to varying degrees. Muscles can deteriorate, bacteria can infiltrate the body, organs can lose efficiency, and that’s only the beginning. Then combine that with how parts and systems interact with one another, and there’s an entire new list of problems that can go wrong. Rather than looking to sickness and function interaction as a possible cause, however, creating a healthy nervous system can work to eliminate the latter as a viable threat.

After all, the nervous system is what allows muscles and organs to communicate with one another. Each tells another part of the body what it’s doing, or what needs to be done next, and when those communication gaps are hindered, the body itself suffers.

How to Keep All Body Functions Working

The most important part of the nervous system is the brain. Without it’s proper health, body parts wouldn’t be able to communicate properly … or at all. Their translation gaps could range from speaking with a heavy accent, to yelling near a booming speaker with non-English speaking listeners. But by adhering specifically to the brain’s health needs, you can easily make sure everyone’s on equal speaking – and listening – fields.

Start with your diet. A healthy brain needs plenty of Vitamins D and B6. Exercise and a regular fluid intake also works to flush out toxins that may bog down the brain or other parts of the body. (Combine exercise with a few glasses of water for the maximum toxin-flushing results.) Nervous systems can also flourish with an increase of protein and a decrease in fat. You can also look to doctor recommended supplements or additional vitamins shown to improve brain health.

Whether you’re looking out for your body’s cohesiveness or are just taking steps to get healthier, the nervous system is a great place to start. Look to the above or talk with your doctor about getting brain healthier today.

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