Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How to Eliminate Headaches While you Sleep

The easier it is to find a medical treatment, the better – a common theory among sufferers of all kinds. When in place, colds could be met with as little resistance as possible, invasive procedures would be kept at a minimum, and meanwhile, everyone would be feeling their best without nasty or uncomfortable side effects. Unfortunately, that can’t be said for a large portion of illnesses that affect the population.

Headaches, however, are one cause that fits the bill.

Headaches and One of Their Main Causes

A majority of headaches and subsequent neck pain stems from the way we sleep each night. From craning or placing awkward pressure on the head and neck, ongoing aches occur and create regular headaches. Though certain positions might be comfortable during sleep (whether in general or from one’s level of relaxation), they can actually cause pains throughout the day. Additionally, a lack of neck support can cause pressure, affect blood flow, or even cause vertebrae to become misaligned. All of these things then contribute to head pain, whether in one night or a gradual increase over time.

While it can be hard to know just how we sleep in throughout the night, a new, supportive pillow can offer ongoing relief. Even without a sleep study. Look to a pillow with neck support, memory foam, and gentle cradling – all of which align the spine in a natural position. Over time, this will reduce headaches and create a healthier sleeping pattern. Many notice results in just one night.

Talk to your doctor about specific headaches or how a pillow change might affect or accompany ongoing treatments. For the rare headache patient, however, a simple change in support levels can do wonders for their daily routine.

To learn more about supportive pillows, talk to a specialist or check out the selection at Contour Living’s pillow page.

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