Tuesday, December 17, 2013

4 Ways Stress Increases Muscle Pains

Having a stressful day is never fun – on any level – but according to some new research, it could also come with pain. Adding to any chances in mood, personality, or looming deadlines, stress can be literally painful. This is perhaps most seen in the muscles, especially in areas with ongoing injuries or recurring aches. However, each person can also experience these pains in a different format.

From tension to endorphins, here are the top five ways in which stress can trigger muscle pains.

4. Stress affects posture

Dealing with stressful situations can cause you to hunch over or perform jerky movements. This means the spine isn’t able to relax, interrupting circulation and everyday tension relief.

3. Emotions block vital energy

When in proper working order, the blood and other fluids flow freely throughout the body, increasing circulation and pain-relief efficiency. However, when stressed, emotions as a block, stopping important fluids from making their way.

2. Adrenaline is on short supply

It’s natural for adrenaline glands to produce endorphins that increase moods and decrease pains. But when stress happens, these glands are blocked, greatly reducing the amount of good-feeling substances available. This means ongoing stress has a direct affect on back or other recurring pains.

1. The body (and mind) can’t relax

Stress means you aren’t able to completely relax – this causes both the body and mind to be on edge. Without this much-needed relaxing time, muscles are tense, and don’t get the ability to rest and rejuvenate.

When it comes to stress, there are several triggers that can cause additional body pain. While some can manifest within the specific body parts (such as the back), other aches simply take place wherever the body is most vulnerable. To help avoid these stress-induced pains, look for less stressful situations – and the ability to fully relax – as an everyday rule.

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