Friday, November 22, 2013

Holiday Shopping Back-Saving Tips

This time of year, it’s practically tradition to get in an intense round of shopping. Stores are offering up tremendous sales, and shoppers from all around will stand in long lines to save a few extra dollars. However, no matter what’s on your list during these events, be sure to follow body-friendly routines. That means safe lifting, easy-push carts, and no diving or acrobats to reach emptying shelves – no matter how great the deal.

From staying upright to letting others push through, stick to the following:

Team Lift 

Avoid picking up heavy or large objects alone. Ask a friend (or even a stranger) for help, or wait for the next employee to bring a rolling cart. Improper lifting can cause serious back or neck strain, long-term pains, and ongoing injuries. This shopping season, save your back and wait for help instead.

Can you Find it Online?

These days, practically every item found in-store can be found online. While it may not host the same deals, a few extra funds are often worth the headache of standing in line. Before getting up at a crazy hour, check the computer to see if it’s sold through the store’s website. Many stores even offer free shipping around the holidays.

Use a Cart

Even when picking up a few items, balancing and rearranging them can make your tilt and lean in odd directions. Pick up a cart to wheel your items around with ease; it’s also a great place for the purse (so long as it’s attended), which can also cause back strain if too heavy.

Don’t Fight a Crowd

With angry (or excited) shoppers, there’s really no telling what could take place. Instead of being pushed through a crowded area, opt for times where fewer shoppers will be present. Or let others head in first for a more relaxing, injury-free day of sales.

Whether standing in line for the greatest deals or just picking up a few holiday gifts, remember to follow the above for optimal back health in any shopping scenario.

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