Monday, October 7, 2013

Exercises to Improve Back Health

Throughout the day, we sit, stand, stretch, and slouch our way through activities. Day after day, along with work, exercise, and any other actions we may take, our habits can get the best of us. Back pains occur, strains begin to take place, and muscles become sore or achy after this repeat behavior. And while extreme or ongoing injuries should certainly be discussed with a doctor, there are also many at-home remedies to help ease the issues at hand

One of the easiest ways to loosen up the back is through regular movement. By stretching and exercising your back, you can easily work to reduce ongoing strains.

To receive continued relief, remember to get moving on a regular basis.

Back Stretches 

If you don’t enjoy exercise or aren’t physically able, stretching can be a great alternative. Raise your arms, twist your upper body, or ask a friend or family member to help stretch you out. Leaning and reaching offer great muscle toning options as well.

No matter your agreed-upon routine, stretching can greatly improve mobility and blood flow throughout the back.

Swimming and Other Forms of Cardio 

Swimming is one of the best exercises for a back-friendly workout as it eliminates gravity. Without excess stretch or pull, the back can relax and heal in a stress-free environment. This can be done by swimming laps, treading water, or even walking in deeper water (stomach to chest level).

By providing resistance without gravity, swimming can get you moving without adding unnecessary pressure. Other forms of cardio such as jogging, biking, hiking, etc. offer equal perks, but should only be done by those with strong, healthy backs. Talk to your doctor if you’re unsure if these activities are back friendly.


Much similar to stretching, yoga allows participants to stretch and strengthen the back at the same time. What’s great about the sport is that it can be adjusted to virtually any user’s comfort level. Start off slow and work up to more intense levels of exercise that help both the back and the rest of your body.

When taking classes, ask an instructor for back health poses to get the most out of your sessions. (Which you can then practice at home.) From invasive exercise to light stretching, there are a number of moves that can help improve one’s back health.

Test out the above, talk to an exercise guru at the local gym, or check with your doctor to see which moves will best help you and your back.

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