Thursday, September 26, 2013

Eliminate Coccyx Pain With Sitting Habits

Whether we like it or not, sitting is one of the most frequent things we do each and every day. From work, to eating, to relaxing in the evenings, taking a load off is practically an American past time. And though the reasons may change, the amount of time spent on one’s rear rarely does. If one day we go on a long walk or spend some time on yard work, the next it might be raining and require an indoor reading session. There’s always a turn of events sending us into the nearest chair.

However, if not sitting on the proper chairs or cushions, serious side effects can occur, such as back pain, aches, or throbbing of the coccyx – or tailbone. Without support that works to align and protect these body parts, our sitting practices can actually cause more harm than they do rest or relaxation.

To help ease the coccyx pain, consider your everyday sitting habits. This can include chair health, available cushions, posture, and frequency in which one disperses their weight. The more often you sit in unfavorable positions, the more likely you are to experience ongoing pain. Which is why it’s all the more important to sit correctly.

To improve your sitting habits remember to:

Pay attention to posture – though it’s easy to forget, sitting at a 90-degree angle can help the body stay alert while keeping one’s spine in check.
Consider a new seat or back support pillow that transfers, no matter where you’re sitting. These models fit in the car, office chair, couch, or any public sitting scenario.
Stretch – with your doctor’s approval, try various stretching or movement exercises to keep the blood flowing. This added movement can offer pain relief through regular muscle relaxation.
Stand when possible – oftentimes coccyx pain occurs from regular sitting. By walking or standing when time allows, stress can be taken off of the back and therefore alleviating some of that pain.

For chronic sufferers, it’s a good idea to talk with your doctor about what options are available to treat and cure coccyx pain. You can also reach out to various support groups to talk with others who are dealing with the same symptoms.

While tailbone pain is a serious problem, there are also steps to be taken, specifically by the way you sit and handle everyday back-related events. For mild cases or intermittent relief, remember to follow the above; sitting habits can greatly and easily improve one’s health.

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