Thursday, September 5, 2013

Beat Summer Allergens with Sleeping Habits

This time of year, breathing in the outdoor air can cause some serious side effects. Like sneezing, wheezing, coughing, and a number of other unattractive bodily functions. Much like the Disney dwarf, Sneezy, it just can’t be helped. No matter how many times a breath is held, a finger put under a nose, or just plugged all together, the sneeze still comes. From pollen, to dust, to ragweed, the warmer months bring on all types of irritating allergens. There’s little poor Sneezy and the rest of the allergic population can do.

Obviously, the easiest way to avoid these plants is to stay inside. But being cooped up all day is no fun, and by the time the allergies have passed, there may not be pleasant weather to enjoy. Medicines and other doctor treatments can help as well, but why not attack allergies from the inside out?

By adjusting sleeping habits, it’s easy to get a good night of rest, even when allergies are in full swing.

Staying Allergy Proof

·      Sleep with hypoallergenic supplies

  • By ensuring pillows, blankets, mattresses, etc. are free from irritating substances, it’s easy to keep one’s bedroom breath-easy able. Opt for hardwood floors rather than carpets or rugs, or keep carpets clean by shampooing and vacuuming regularly. Air vents can also be vacuumed to remove dust or other nasty allergens. 

·      Adjust posture

·      Stock up on tissues
  • Keeping tissues or cough drops on hand can help ease the side effects of nasty allergies. 

·      Keep the windows closed
  • Even on nice, calm nights, it may just be best to keep the windows shut. If fresh air can cause painful or uncomfortable side effects, keep the AC running rather than propping open the bedroom window.

·      Find the best sleeping position
  • Sleeping on one’s back is great for some, while it can cause others to cough during the night. Try resting on the side or stomach to find a position that promotes the easiest breathing patterns.

·      Get a good night’s rest

  • Though allergies don’t generally mean a person is “sick,” that doesn’t mean the body is under any less duress. Because your lungs are breathing in substances that have a foreign reaction, the body creates allergies to try and ward them off. This can make you tired, groggy, and in need of more rest. Be sure to catch plenty of sleep whenever allergies strike.

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