Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Snoring in Children

By Jennifer Williams
Studies have shown that 10 percent or more of children between the ages of 1 and 9 snore on most nights. Children who are 3 years of age or older, will tend to snore when they are in a deeper sleep.
What is Snoring?
When child breaths in and out a steady stream of air flows from the mouth or nose to the child’s lungs. When they are asleep they can experience a narrowing of the back of the throat. The air that passes through is the same amount, since the opening is smaller, the tissues that surround the opening will vibrate. This in turn will let out a sound we call snoring. Depending upon how much air passes through determines how loud the snoring may be.
Why do Children Snore?
There are a few main reasons why a child may snore. They may have been born with a small jaw or airway. The child may have muscles and nerves that are not well joined during sleep, which does not open the airway enough, causing an obstruction. The most common reason a child may snore is having an enlarged tonsil or adenoids.
Can Snoring in the Children be Serious?
Snoring in children can be serious, as it may show that the child may have another underlying serious condition. Primary snoring in children is snoring that is not associated with more serious problems, such as having allergies, stuffy nose or a respiratory infection. More serious problems include obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, sleep apnea, and the inability to keep the lungs flowing with sufficient oxygen or frequent arousal from sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that all children be screened for snoring in 2002. They also recommended that a diagnosis be conducted to determine if the child is experiencing normal primary snoring or obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
If you have a child or children that snore, speak with your pediatrician they recommend you to a sleep specialist. A sleep specialist is specially trained in sleep medicine. The sleep specialist may want to conduct an overnight sleep study on your child. This study will help the specialist determine if your child has a more serious problem. The specialist will attach a machine with various cords to different parts of your child’s body. The sleep study will record your child while they sleep. It will look at their body movements, brain waves; heartbeat, breathing, arousals and any noises they may make. It does not hurt the child to conduct this study. The study can get to the bottom of your child’s snoring and the specialist can help you with a treatment plan if one is needed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks - I need to check into this for my kids
