Friday, April 26, 2013

12 Tips to Stop Snoring

Snoring can be a serious problem.  According to some experts, studies have shown that 45 percent of men and 30 percent of women snore on a daily basis. The good thing is that snoring is a treatable condition.

Treatments for Snoring
There are various forms of non-surgical treatment for snoring. Here are some in depth ways to help with snoring.

Before Bed

  1. Stop drinking caffeine and eating heavy meals within 3 hours of going to bed, this includes dairy products and soy milk.
  2. Keep the air in the bedroom moist, this can be accomplished with a humidifier. Having dry air in a room can irritate the membranes in the throat and nose.
  3. Ease your breathing by elevating your head 4 inches, this can help your tongue and jaw mouth forward. You can purchase specialty pillows that are designed to help prevent snoring.
  4. Try and clear your nasal passages, if you have a stuffy nose it may make it difficult to inhale and can create a vacuum in the throat. This vacuum leads to snoring. There are several ways you can clear your nasal passages, you can use nasal strips, a neti pot or over the counter decongestants.
  5. Avoid sleeping on your back and try sleeping on your side. Sleeping on your back can cause your tongue and soft tissues to easily drop to the back of the throat. This will obstruct the air flow in your airway. If you have a hard time staying on your side, try using a tennis ball. Make a pocket with a shirt, place the tennis ball in the pocket and saw the pocket to the back of a t-shirt or your pajama top. Doing this will keep you from sleeping on your back, as the awkwardness will make you roll on your side.
  6. Use a mouth guard while you sleep. The mouth guard will keep your lower jar forward, which in turn will widen your airway and reduce your snoring.

Change your lifestyle

  1. Stop smoking as it can cause your airways to be blocked. Smoking causes the membranes in your throat and nose to become irritated.
  2. Have a regular sleep pattern by keeping a bedtime routine. If you have a partner they should also follow the same routine.
  3. Avoid sleeping pills, sedative and alcohol before bedtime as they relax the muscles in the throat. This can interfere with your breathing, talk with a health care provider about any medication you are on. Certain medications a can promote you to go in to a very deep sleep which can lead to snoring.
  4. Exercise can help you stop snoring as working out can tone the muscles in your throat. Be sure to work out your legs, abs and arms.
  5. Keep to your ideal weight and lose weight you are not at your ideal weight. If you lose some weight it can reduce any fat in the tissue that is in the back of your throat.
  6. Make sure you have a comfortable, supportive bed pillow.

Before trying any of these treatments you should consult with your health care provider. He or she can help you get to the bottom of your snoring issues, they can advise you to use other treatments on top of the treatments we have listed here. 

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