Friday, October 16, 2009

Tests Confirm the Cloud Mattress Pad

Contour Cloud Mattress Substantiation Sheet

Quality and duration of sleep are affected by many factors such as noise, mental stress, physical pressure concentration, posture and support.  Anything that can be done to reduce these negative factors improves sleep.  The Contour Cloud Mattress pad’s specially engineered design addresses issues related to pressure points, posture and support to dramatically improve quality of sleep and increase the duration of time spent in the deepest, most restorative levels of sleep.

The Contour Cloud Mattress Pad has been tested three different ways:

  1.  Sleep Efficiency Tests  
    • Wrist Actigraph Studies measure muscle movements in the body during sleep.  This type of test is considered to be a good indicator of the quality of sleep that a person is getting. 
    • When using the Contour Cloud Mattress pad, participants’ sleep efficiency levels rose dramatically.  On average, participants gained an extra 27 minutes of deep, restorative levels of quality sleep, and they experienced less fragmented sleep.
    •  Sleep efficiency levels are particularly important for people who are in situations where sleep times are limited, such as Navy personnel.  These people need to make the most of the time that they have to sleep, so that they can be better prepared to carry out their duties during awake hours.  There are numerous studies that point to a lack of sleep and/or poor quality sleep affecting a person’s level of alertness and his/her ability to function effectively and think clearly.
      •  A few examples are listed below:  
      • Slowed reaction time
      • Creativity, short term memory and sense of humor are all compromised by a lack of quality sleep 
      • One dramatic example of this is that the loss of one hour of sleep during daylight savings time causes traffic accidents to increase by 7%-8%
  2. Pressure Studies

    • Pressure studies measure the amount of pressure that the body has when laying on different types of sleep surfaces to show how well the body’s weight is distributed.  The more even the weight distribution, the lower the pressure.  
    • The average person tosses and turns about 70 times during the night, resulting in fragmented, low quality sleep.  Often times, tossing and turning occurs when the person attempts to relieve pressure on a particular area of the body.  Shoulders and hips, for example, are pressure “hot spots” and often endure the brunt of the pressure when a person sleeps on a non-supportive surface.  The less supportive the surface, the less even the weight distribution is, which in turn causes the person to toss and turn.  A person often awakes during the night in response to pressure build-up to adjust his/her position in an effort to relieve it.
    •  When participants laid on the Contour Cloud Mattress Pad, as opposed to a regular mattress, there was a dramatic reduction in pressure points all over the body.  The participants’ weight was more evenly distributed, so pressure was relieved on “hot spot” areas of the body like shoulders, hips and knees.
    •  When you reduce these pressure points, you are able to sleep more comfortably in one position for longer periods of time, which minimizes fragmented sleep and maximizes time spent in the deeper, more restorative levels of sleep.
3. Posture and Alignment
    • In order for a sleep surface to be truly supportive, it must have some amount of cushion as well as a shape to it that matches the subtle curves of the body.  Mattresses are flat, they have no shape and often they’re either too hard, resulting in a rigid sleep surface, or they’re too soft, resulting in a hammocking effect that can be particularly detrimental to your lower back area.
    •  Video Fluoroscopy is basically a moving x-ray, which shows the inside of the body in motion.  With it, we are able to demonstrate how well the Contour Cloud Mattress Pad supports and aligns the body’s skeletal system.
    •  When the body’s skeletal system is properly supported, surrounding muscles are able to relax during sleep.
Contour Cloud Mattress Pad Construction and Features & Benefits

  1. 2-1/2” thick triple layer design features a surface layer of heat sensitive material called Soft-Touch memory foam
    •  Molds to fit your body’s every curve for superior weight distribution and minimal tossing and turning during the night. 
    • This type of material was originally developed for NASA to cushion astronauts on lift-off.
    •  Ribbed surface allows air to circulate through the pad so you stay cool and comfortable during the night.
  2.  Middle layer contains a lumbar support
    •  Maintains the spine’s proper curve and helps to minimize low back pain caused by poor sleep posture.
    • Fills in the gap that flat mattresses leave around the lumbar and waist area to maintain the natural arch in your low back and encourage proper sleep posture during resting periods
  3. Base Layer :
    •  Constructed of high quality dense foam for excellent nighttime support
    •  Prevents the mattress pad from bottoming out underneath the body’s weight.
   .Learn More about this Foam Mattress Topper Here  

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